Friday, November 1, 2013

My beginnings!

“Art is the most intense form of individualism that the world has ever known.”
-Oscar Wilde

What do you think of when you think of art?  Do you think of a popular painting like the Mona Lisa or a popular museum like the Louvre?  Do you get instantly bored or anxious just thinking about it? Or like me do you think of all the new and different ways to express yourself from macaroni jewelry to a new tattoo? Now what if I threw in history? I know I know I probably just lost you but if your still here I promise its not the boring type!

Watercolor- by me!
Art, something I have been in love with since it was forced on me in preschool. Art was the one time I had to do whatever I wanted and call it freedom of expression.  It later turned into something that kept me busy in all the classes I considered boring, then it became a hobby, one that I loved completely.  And what about history?  While others instantly fall asleep upon hearing the word history, I get immediately interested and cannot wait to find out something new. Then I found out I could combine these two loves of mine in art history. Amazing!

Monet oil pastel landscape
Now how did I get started?  I fell in love with art with great influence from my sister and my father.  My sister an amazing artist since she was young, helped me to develop as as I grew up.  Giving me input on projects even on color choices.  My father, an art major in college, gave me my camera and is responsible for my love of photography.  My camera, an Olympus OM-1, was my grandfathers and my father and I like to take off on photography trips all the time to places we find interesting and take pictures.  Since I honestly cannot draw to well, my sister got all that talent; I developed an interest with color, which later turned into painting, of courses with a lot of color.
Monet oil pastel 
I usually like to paint.  I of course, love photography and in high school thanks to an art assignment I developed a major liking for oil pastels and went on to do more than one all of which are copies of impressionist Monet’s paintings.  Now see only a tiny mention of history! And now a little more impressionism -popular in the late 1800’s mostly in France- is one of my favorite forms of painting, the other being baroque which is known for its extreme lighting contrasting between dark and light. 
Tempra painting

So there’s my story! There’s a lot more you’ll be learning and I promise to make it fun or at least a little funny more likely corny but hey that’s good to right?
Pop art!

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